
In Viking mythology, the Valkyries were personified as ravens on the battlefields, the logo was designed to reflects this aspect.

mexican food restaurant

The Adelitas are the women who participated in the Mexican revolution, the logo has touches of western aesthetics to allude to this aspect.

healthy food restaurant

The Gleba logo is based on the concept of healthy and vegan food but also temptation and deliciousness, hence the plant along with the bite.

online newspaper

LCR is an online news portal that was previously known as “La Comuna”, the idea was to abstract a rolled newspaper to refer to the origins of the brand.


This case is a redesign, Luma takes its name from a flower and the gothic style font is to refer to the German beer tradition.

alcoholic beverage importer

Kells is an alcoholic beverages importer, they wanted to specialize in beers so I used a cap of these drinks as a representation of this.

sushi restaurant

This is a local venture, the crab comes to be because the 3 founders were from the zodiac sign of cancer, and I gave it a Japanese style. As it was the first project and they were young entrepreneurs, I used the color black to reduce printing costs.

sushi restaurant

In this case I used the letter “o” to refer to the shape of the sushi rolls to also generate the idea that they are large in size.


This is a redesign and modernization of the original logo, the logo was very old but was already installed and that is why I decided not to modify it.

empanadas restaurant

This is the second brand of a serious and elegant restaurant, the idea was to do something more fun and familiar to not alienate the public that can consume this type of products.


This is a simple logo with a “bodegón” or cantina visual style.

sandwichs restaurant

Entre Panes is a restaurant specialized in sandwiches, the idea is to use the two words together with a in between line to reinforce that concept.